Permission for the following: 1. Provision of new first floor over the existing ground floor to contain offices and ancillary spaces (Unit 2). 2. Provision of a mezzanine level over the existing upper floor to contain plant (Unit 2). 3. Proposed internal alterations and subdivision to existing ground and upper floor of Unit 2 (proposed second floor). 4. Proposed links between existing Units 1 and 2 at ground, first and second floor levels. 5. Alterations to building elevations of Unit 2 including new windows and doors to ground, first and second floors and new cladding to north elevation. 6. Proposed new ductwork, PV panels and roof access for roof of Unit 2. 7. Proposed signage. 8. All associated site works

To find out more details on this Factory Development in Louth Granted permission on 20th December 2024 take the free trial here.

Unit 1 & 2

Plans Granted

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