17 Sep 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant Permissions with Conditions

PROTECTED STRUCTURE: Permission for proposed development as follows:
(a) connect the existing ground floor bar at 79 Queen Street and existing restaurant/bar at 91/92 Benburb Street to include new shopfront and hatch and construction of a new single-storey 20sqm WC extension to the rear side (east) of 91/92 Benburb Street and to the rear (south) of 79 Queen Street;
(b) replace existing flat roof to the rear (south) over existing ground floor restaurant/bar of 91/92 Benburb Street with corresponding minor change to rear side (west) elevation including new door;
(c) change of use of existing commercial/office use at first and second floor level of 79 Queen Street to associated guest bedroom accommodation for the provision of a total of 8 en suite bedrooms (5 double bedrooms, 3 single bedroom).
All to include associated works and services at 79 Queen Street, Dublin 7, D07 DW3R, a protected structure (RPS ref. 6884) and 91/92 Benburb Street, Dublin 7, D07 WFH3.

To find out more details on this Bar & Restaurant Development in Dublin Granted permission on 17th September 2024 take the free trial here.

79 Queen Street & 91-92 Benburb Street

Plans Granted

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