Permission for 1. The refurbishment and conversion by subdivision of the existing ‘Athy Lodge’ main building into 4 no. apartments; 2. The refurbishment and material change of use of existing medical doctors surgery and outbuildings into 5 no self-contained residential units consisting of – a) 2 no. 2-bed townhouses, b) 2 no 1-bed townhouses, c) 1 no studio apartment; 3. the construction of 7 no. new mews style 2-bed houses; 4. the repair and upgrade of the existing vehicular entrance and exit access points to Church Road; 5. the construction of 4 no. 2-bed single storey housing accommodation units which may accommodate elderly / assisted living residents to be accessed from the R417 by way of a new separate vehicular entrance and 6. to carry out all associated site development works and landscaping. ‘Athy Lodge’ is a Protected Structure (NIAH reference number – 11505150, Record of Protected Structures reference number – AY110).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Granted permission on 3rd December 2024 take the free trial here.