The construction of a two storey, mixed use, development consisting of a public house at ground floor level with a gross floor area of 359sqms. The public house includes internal bin storage and other ancillary rooms.

The construction of 4 residential apartments (Gross floor area 374sqms) at first floor consisting of 2no. one bed units; 1no. two bed unit; and, 1no. 3 bed unit. All apartments have private space in the form of balconies with a common area at first floor for access to each apartment with access to this common area off the internal entrance lobby; internal, residential, bike storage room and bin storage room at ground floor level.

The proposed development includes communal amenity spaces located to the west of the block and at first floor level; parking of 8 spaces including 1 no mobility space, 2 electric vehicle spaces and is accessed via a new vehicle entrance from the Old Belgard Road.

New boundary treatments proposed along with a drop off area and wider soft and hard landscaping including a plaza area which ties into the public footpath on the Old Belgard Road; external bike parking areas within these external spaces; and, a connecting footpath to the established local centre to the north. Associated mechanical plant, PV panels at roof level, groundworks, landscaping, drainage including SUDS measures, lighting, engineering and ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 18th December 2024 take the free trial here.

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Mixed Development New Build in Dublin

Land To The South of Block 3

Plans Granted

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