Permission for development at a site located on the eastern side of Mount Avenue and is bounded to the north by a permitted residential development comprising 93 no. dwellings granted under P.A. Ref. No. 21/1173 that is currently under construction. Agricultural fields bound the site to the south and east for 63 no. houses in semi-detached and terraced format and ranging in height from 2 -3 no. storeys. A single new vehicular access off Mount Avenue will be provided to serve the development. 3 no. separate pedestrian only accesses are also provided off Mount Avenue. It is also proposed to construct a pedestrian connection across the stream to adjoining residential lands to the north that are currently under construction. The proposed development also provides for alterations to ground levels across the site and the undergrounding of ESB powerlines. Public lighting, Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points and an ESB sub-station are also proposed. The proposal also consists of all landscaping and boundary treatments, including the construction of retaining walls in addition to all associated site development works encompassing the installation of Sustainable Urban Drainage (SuDS) features across the site, as well as connections to existing public infrastructure, services and utilities

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Applied for on 17th December 2024 take the free trial here.

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Houses New Build in Louth

Mount Avenue

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