27 Sep 2024
Construction of a housing development of 22no. Apartments in; pedestrian and vehicular access to Kilcolman road; pedestrian/cycle access via access way to Ballyhaunis road; associated Development and works including hard and soft landscaping, roads and footpaths, cycle and car parking, bin stores, public and private amenity and open spaces, boundary treatments, public lighting and all other ancillary works above and below ground including connections to water supply, wastewater infrastructure, surface water infrastructure and utilities and provision for an electricity substation

5 Oct 2023 An Bord Pleanala has overturned the decision and granted planning permission for the apartment development.It has however reduced the number of proposed apartments permitted from 60 to 44.

Construction of a housing development of 60 no. Apartments in 2 no. Five storey buildings; pedestrian and vehicular access to kilcolman road (extending existing partially constructed access road serving lidl store); pedestrian/cycle access via access way to ballyhaunis road; associated develpment and works including hard and soft landscaping, roads and footpaths, cycle and car parking, bin stores, public and private amenity and open spaces, boudnary treatments, public lighting and all other ancillary works above and below ground including connections to water supply, wastewater infrastructure, surface water infrastructure and utilities and provision for an electricity substation.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Mayo Started on 27th September 2024 take the free trial here.

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Apartments New Build in Mayo

Kilcolman Road


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