3 Dec 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant permission with conditions
For development consisting of the construction of:
(i) a single storey retail unit of c. 5,197 sq.m gross floor area (c. 2,194 sq.m convencience net sales area and c. 957 sq.m comparison net sales area) including a licensed alcohol sales area, bulk store, ancillary offices, staff facilities, cage marshalling area, bin storage, service yard and associated directional signage;
(ii) 1 no. drive thru cafe unit (c. 174 sq.m gross floor area) with exterdal seating and the provision of 5 no. car parking spaces (including 2 no. electric parking spaces, 2 no. disabled and 1 no. standard) and 2 no. set down bay areas;
(iii) 1 no. 4 pump (8 stand) petrol filling station incorporating an automatic car wash/jet wash (c. 89 sq.m), a forecourt canopy (covers c. 255 sq.m and 4.8m in height) and associated signage, oil interceptors, underground storage tanks and tanker fill point;
(iv) 4 no. internally illuminated elevation signage on the eastern, western and southern elevations;
(v) 297 no. car parking spaces associated with the retail unit (including parent and toddler, disabled and electric parking spaces), 120 no. cycle parking spaces in freestanding external shelters and set down/loading bay areas;
(vi) 2 no. dedicated ‘Click and Collect’ car spaces with canopy structure and associated signage;
(vii) Grocery Home Shopping delivery vehicle docking area situated in the service yard;
(viii) 1 no. vehicle access point from Cock Hill Road at the north east boundary of the site and 1 no. vehicle left-in/left-out access point at the southern boundary of the site, all with associated pedestrian and cycle access facilities;
(ix) pedestrian linkages with the Town Centre by way of the provision of a sloped pedestrian walkway and steps on the western boundary of the site with 4 no. pedestrian crossings on Cock Hill Road;
(x) 1 no. internally illuminated double-sided totem sign associated with the retail unit (7m X2.3m) and 1 no. internally illuminated double-sided totem associated with the petrol filling station (7.2m X1.7m);
(xi) ESB substation and switch room, pump house, sprinkler tank, 2 no. attenuation tanks, 3 no. detention basins, feature and street lighting, plant, store canopy, trolley shelter/bays and all ancillary site development works, landscaping, ramps, fences, enabling works and site services.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) are submitted with this application. The site is bounded to the north by St. Clare’s National School, to the south by residential lands and to the west by the Main Street backlands.
To find out more details on this Retail Development in Cavan Granted permission on 3rd December 2024 take the free trial here.