15 July 2024
Construction of addresses 7-11 Ráthard Avenue to be completed as part of neighbourhood 2 of Longview Estates (Ráthard), and associated site works.

13 May 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant permission with conditions omitting 3 residential units

19 Apr 2024
67-75 Longview Park – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork comprises the construction of 1no. block of duplex apartments incorporating 9 no. residential units. Units as follows: 67-75 Longview Park – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork

19 Apr 2024
1-8 Rathárd Lawn – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork comprises the construction of 1no. block of duplex apartments incorporating 8no. residential units. Units as follows: 1-8 Rathárd Lawn – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork

19 Apr 2024
1-16 Rathárd Drive – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork comprises the construction of 1no. block of duplex apartments incorporating 16no. residential units. Units as follows: 1-16 Rathárd Drive – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork

19 Apr 2024
1-12 Rathárd Park – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork comprises the construction of 1no. block of duplex apartments incorporating 12no. residential units. Units as follows: 1-12 Rathárd Park – Longview Estates, Ballyvolane, Cork

19 April 2024
Construction of neighbourhood 2 of Longview Estates (Ráthard) consisting of addresses 13-53 Ráthard Park, 9-47 Ráthard Lawn, 17-55 Ráthard Drive, 1-6 & 12-28 Ráthard Avenue, and associated site works.

Construction of dwellings 1-66 Longview Park, consisting of 4 no. two-storey detached houses, 8 no. three-storey detached houses, 44 no. two-storey semi-detached houses, 6 no. three-story semi-detached houses, 4 no. two-story terraced houses in one block of four, and associated site works.

Strategic Housing Development

The lands at Lahardane, the subject of this application, are greenfield and have over the past number of years been farmed. The site is bounded to the north by a local roadway and to the west by the Ballyhooly Road. Presently agricultural land abounds the site to the south and east. These lands (to the south and east) are also zoned as part of the urban expansion area. The western part of the site closer to the Ballyhooly Road is steeply sloping and the site becomes more level as it rises towards the east. Two overhead power lines traverse the site, namely a 110kv line which spans from northwest to south east and a 38kv overhead power line running east to west on the southern portion of the site. The lands are subject to a number of constraints which are detailed in the LAP including topography and the existing powerlines which traverse the site.

Longview Estates Ltd, intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for a ten year planning permission for a Strategic Housing Development at Lahardane and Ballincolly (Townlands), Ballyvolane, Cork City. The proposed development will consist of a strategic housing development including 753 residential units to be constructed in a series of phases (six neighbourhoods in total), a local centre including retail (2 no. units), a crèche, doctors surgery and community use unit and all associated and ancillary infrastructure, services and site development works.

The proposed 753 no. residential units are comprised of the following:

• 67 no. detached houses including 31 no. 4 bedroom units and 36 no. 3 bedroom units

• 278 no semi-detached houses including 41 no. 4 bedroom Application Form in respect of Strategic Housing Development Revised 5th Sept 2018 Page 6 of 37 units and 237 no. 3 bedroom units

• 186 no. terrace houses including 18 no. 4 bedroom units, 96 no. 3 bedroom units and 72 no. 2 bedroom units

• 69 no. duplexes including 36 no. 3 bedroom units and 33 no. 2 bedroom units

• 153 no. apartments including 6 no. studio apartments, 42 no. 1 bedroom apartments, 79 no. 2 bedroom apartments and 26 no. 3 bedroom apartments. Three apartment blocks will be provided (2 no. in Neighbourhood 6 and 1 no. in Neighbourhood 2)

The proposed development includes a number of open spaces and play areas in addition to general landscaping, boundary treatments (including walls and landscaping to the houses to the north and lands to the east), and landscaped parkland / greenway. The proposal includes an internal distributor road providing access to neighbouring lands, associated internal roads, car parking, pedestrian and cycle paths (providing access to neighbouring lands), public lighting, internal bus stops and turning area, bin storage (in apartment locations) and cycle parking and all site services infrastructure. The associated site and infrastructural works include water supply, foul and surface / storm water drainage infrastructure to local services and drains and 5 no. unit sub stations. The proposed development makes provision for two no. pumping stations (and connections to / from same), one in neighbourhood 5 and one adjacent to the Ballyhooly Road, with access, to serve this site and future lands as required by Irish Water.

Two no. vehicular accesses are proposed from the Ballyhooly Road and one no. access to / from the local road to the north of the site (pedestrian access points will also be allowed to the local road to the north), all including local road widening within applicant lands, resurfacing and boundary works. Signalisation of the Lower Dublin Hill / Ballyhooly Road Junction is also proposed along with the provision of a new bus stop on the eastern side of the Ballyhooly Road close Application Form in respect of Strategic Housing Development Revised 5th Sept 2018 Page 7 of 37 to the junction of Lower Dublin Hill and the Ballyhooly Road. The application also provides for the reservation of lands to accommodate the widening of the Ballyhooly Road and the provision of new pedestrian and cyclist infrastructure along the eastern side of the Ballyhooly Road with crossing of same close to Mervue Lawn south of the proposed development.

Groundworks, excavation and ground reprofiling are required and proposed to provide a Distributor Road through the site and all development areas internally within the site. The proposed development also provides for the line diversion and partial undergrounding of the Kilbarry-FlaxfortMayfield 38kv line that traverses the landholding east / west, the removal of existing pylons and the provision of two new pylons one in the Lahardane Townland and one in the Ballincolly Townland and landscaping works within the 110 kv power line wayleaves that also traverse the site.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Started on 28th July 2023 take the free trial here.

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Lahardane and Ballincolly


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