Mixed use development consisting of 44 no. residential units and 6 no. commercial units in 3 no. blocks as follows, (A) Block V1 accommodates 16 no. units consisting of 8 no. two bed ground floor apartments & 8 no. three bed duplex units at first and second floor level, (B) Block V2 accommodates 1 no. coffee shop and 1 no. local scale shop at ground floor level and 12 no. apartments at first, second & third floor levels consisting of 6 no. one bed apartments and 6 no. two bedroom apartments, (C) Block V3 accommodates 4 no. local scale shops at ground floor level and 16 no. apartments at first, second and third floor levels consisting of 6 no. one bed apartments, 6 no. two bedroom apartments and 4 no. three bed duplex apartments, (D) Undercroft car parking, bin storage, bike storage, landscaping & planting, outfall drainage and all associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 3rd April 2024 take the free trial here.