26 August 2024
Mixed-use development (up to 12 storeys in height (over basement) of 53 no. apartments (1no. 1-bed studio, 25 no. 1-beds, 24 no. 2-beds and 3 no. 3-beds) with 2 no. ground floor commercial units (class1/class 2 use) and all associated works,
Permission is sought for amendments to the permitted development Reg. Ref. DCC Reg. Ref. 3506/20 comprising a mixed-use development (up to 12 storeys in height (over basement) of 53 no. apartments (1no. 1-bed studio, 25 no. 1-beds, 24 no. 2-beds and 3 no. 3-beds) with 2 no. ground floor commercial units (class1/class 2 use) and all associated works, open spaces, landscaping, parking, etc. The proposed amendment will comprise provision of an additional stairwell through all permitted floors (and including protected escape route at roof level) with associated amendments to all floors to facilitate same. Associated internal amendments to the permitted residential layout at upper floors to facilitate the additional stairwell (but with no change to the permitted number or mix of apartments overall, or on each floor). Amendments to permitted basement area with revised storage and plant areas. Associated amendments to the building facade, fenestration and positioning of balconies (western elevation for apartments 206, 306 & 406). Amendments to ground floor area with revised and elevational treatment to permitted ground floor commercial units and amendments to ancillary areas. All associated site development works, services provision, access, parking , landscaping and boundary treatment works to be carried out as otherwise granted under the parent permission Reg. Ref. DCC Reg. Ref. 3506/20 (and associated conditions).
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 26th August 2024 take the free trial here.