The erection of 50 Dwellings on a site area of 2.9 Hectares. The development is accessed from a new entrance junction at the R688 (Clonmel Road) and more specifically described as:8no two storey three bedroom semi-detached dwellings, 20no two storey four bedroom semi detached dwellings, 22no two storey four bedroom detached dwellings, 120no car parking spaces (100no spaces for dwellings, 20no visitor spaces) and Private, communal and public landscaped amenity spaces, internal estate road network, pedestrian pavements, inter-site boundary walls and fences, new perimeter site boundary walls and fences, undergrounding of existing overhead electricity supply cables to the development site, public lighting, public drainage and water services connections, replacement of the existing defective storm water attenuation tank and pipework serving the Knockeevan estate, removal of 3no existing house foundation floor slabs and associated site development works.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Tipperary Started on 30th December 2024 take the free trial here.

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