For seven-year planning permission for constructing 93 dwellings consisting of 12 No. apartments and 12 No. duplex apartments in 2 No. 3-storey blocks, 4 No. apartments in 1 No. 2-storey block, 56 No. semi-detached 2-storey houses, and 9 No. detached houses. The development also consists of a new single storey creche unit, individual bin/bike stores for each apartment and duplex apartment units, natural playscape play area, new recessed vehicular entrance, connection to existing foul water sewer, new footpath connecting to existing footpath, provision of part transport objective as defined under ST P18 in the KCC Development Plan 2023-2029, provision of landscaped linear park as defined under map ref. V2-1.4b in the KCC Development Plan 2023-2029, 2 No. permeable connections to The Downings housing scheme and a permeable connection to lands to the east as defined under TM 021 in the KCC Development Plan 2023-2029, and all associated ancillary site-works. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) accompanies this application.

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