The demolition of part single, part two storey building & single storey sheds and the removal of containers within the site; construction of a part 4 storey and part 5 storey Nursing Home with a total gross internal floor area of 5,916 sq.m. and comprising 115 no. single bedrooms with communal living spaces, dining areas, shared communal facilities, treatment rooms, kitchen and general administrative areas, staff areas and maintenance spaces.
The existing low boundary wall to Main Street is to be demolished and replaced with a new low wall, metal railing and piers. The existing southern entrance to the site from Main Street will be retained and widened. The existing middle entrance to the site from Main Street will be closed up and a new entrance from Main Street will be formed at the northern end of the site to suit the new layout. There will be a new RC retaining wall at the boundary to the adjoining properties on the north side of the site.
The existing bus stop & ESB pole will be repositioned to improve sight lines at the southern entrance to the site and the existing bus shelter will be replaced with a new bus shelter.
The development will also comprise an ESB substation, plant room, an external bin store and an external backup generator, 15 no. surface car parking spaces at grade (including 1 no disabled car parking space and 3 no. electric vehicle charging spaces), 2 no. surface motorcycle parking spaces at grade, a covered bicycle stand catering for 4 no. short stay visitor bicycle parking spaces at grade at the main entrance to the nursing home, a secure covered bicycle stand catering for 16 no. long stay staff bicycle parking spaces in total at grade, a 1.2m wide x 2.2m high totem sign at the new entrance from Main Street at the northern end of the site, way finding signage, and all associated site, landscaping and infrastructural works, including tree planting, boundary treatments, street lighting, internal roadways, footpaths and shared surfaces, foul and surface water drainage, and potable water supply necessary to facilitate the development;
A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and is submitted to the planning authority with the application. The Natura Impact Statement (NIS) is available for inspection or purchase at a fee not exceeding the reasonable cost of making a copy during office hours at the Planning Authority.
Retention is sought for an existing reinforced concrete retaining wall along the site boundary with the Tolka River.
To find out more details on this Care Home Development in Dublin Granted permission on 17th December 2024 take the free trial here.