The development consists of
i). A new two storey school building standalone extension c. 1407m2, incorporating classrooms, specialist teaching spaces, offices and ancillary accommodation. Services to include roof mounted photovoltaic panels, tank room & plant room
ii). A new single storey school building standalone extension c. 544m2, incorporating, specialist teaching spaces, special education needs unit, offices and ancillary accommodation. Services to include roof mounted photovoltaic panels
iii). An external heat pump and gas tank compound
iv). The demolition of an existing canteen building
V). The demolition of an existing prefabricated classroom building
Vi). The removal of 2 no. Existing prefab buildings located on the northeast boundary of the site
Vii). The provision of 3 no. Multi-use ballcourts
viii). The provision of new pedestrian entrance gates and boundary wall treatments to the existing wall along railway road
ix). New internal access roadways.
To find out more details on this School Development in Kerry take the free trial here.