Extension of durataion OF 18/943 – Permission for development at a site located at Farndreg, Mount Avenue and Headford and Mount Avenue, Dundalk. The proposed vehicular access is off Mount Avenue and then off the ‘Headford’ development estate road. The proposed development will consist of a residential development comprising a mix of houses and apartments. A total of 80 no. dwellings are proposed comprising 50 no. houses in detached, semi-detached and terraced format and ranging in height from 1 to 2 storeys and 30 no. apartments accommodated in two linked 3 storey no. apartment buildings. All dwellings and apartment buildings have the option for Photovoltaic panels on roof slopes. Vehicular access to the proposed development will be provided via a new access from ‘Headford’ Estate Road. The proposed development will also consist of improvement works to the existing junction between the Headford Estate Road and Mount Avenue, either side of the entrance and also provides for upgrade and improvement works to Mount Avenue for a distance of c. 550m towards the Castleblaney Road (R934). These improvement works include road widening and the provision of footpaths and public lighting. The proposed development will also provide for all site development works including alterations to ground levels the construction of retaining walls the rerouting and undergrounding of overhead cables internal access roads car parking footpaths cycle paths public lighting landscaping services boundary treatments and an ESB sub-station.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Applied for on 30th August 2024 take the free trial here.