Permission for a Large Scale Residential Development (LRD) at this site at Dublin Pike and Ballyhooley Road, Ballincrokig, Cork City. The development will comprise:

(i) the construction of 166no. residential dwellings comprising 26no. 1-bed apartments and 42no. 2-bed apartments in 12no. 2 storey blocks and 2no. 3-storey duplex blocks, 20no. 2-bed townhouses, 18no. 3-bed townhouses, 42no. 3-bed semi-detached houses, and 18no. 4-bed semi-detached houses, all 2-storeys in height;

(ii) the construction of an extension to previously permitted creche TP21/40038 (PL.28.311730) to allow for an increase of its capacity from 40no. child spaces to 76no. spaces;

(iii) a new vehicular access from the Ballyhooly Road and a new vehicular access from the L2980 road

(iv) vehicular/pedestrian connections to the south through permitted development TP21/40038 (PL.28.311730) which leads through Coppenger Fields development

(v) car and bicycle parking, bin storage facilities and public lighting throughout scheme;

(vi) landscaping, neighbourhood and local play areas and an ecology corridor to stream along Ballyhooley Road;

(vii) drainage and surface water management works including attenuation basins and swales, and (viii) all associated boundary, site and development works. The application may be inspected online at the following website:

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