(i) demolition of the existing 1-3 storey public house, restaurant, off-licence and associated storage buildings (totalling 1,197sq.m) and removal of associated surface car park;

(ii) construction of a residential development of 146 no. apartments (69 no. one-bedroom, 68 no. two-bedroom and 9 no. three-bedroom) in 4 no. blocks (ranging in height from four to six storeys over basement level) as follows:

– Block A containing 15 no. apartments (3 no. one bedroom, 9 no. two bedroom and 3 no. three-bedroom) and measuring four storeys in height;

– Block B containing 41 no. apartments (23 no. one bedroom, 17 no. two bedroom and 1 no. three bedroom) and measuring part-five part-six storeys in height;

– Block C containing 54 no. apartments (33 no. one bedroom, 16 no. two bedroom and 5 no. three bedroom) and measuring part-five part-six storeys in height; and,

– Block D containing 36 no. apartments (10. no one bedroom and 26 no. two bedroom) and measuring part-four part-five storeys in height.

all apartments will have direct access to an area of private amenity space, in the form of a terrace/balcony, and will have shared access to internal communal amenities including a gym (211sq.m), communal store rooms (158sq.m) and a cinema/playroom (89sq.m), 3,551sq.m of external communal amenity space and 2,041sq.m of public open space;

(iii) provision of 109 no. vehicular parking spaces (including 5 no. mobility parking spaces, 5 no. car-share spaces and 11 no. electric charging spaces), 6 no. set-down parking spaces and 332 no. bicycle parking spaces at basement level accessible via new vehicular access from Church Road;

(iv) provision of 5 no. commercial units (746sq.m total) located at basement/ground floor level in Blocks A and B; and 1 no. childcare facility (424sq.m) located within the basement level of Block C;

(v) removal of existing culverts, installation of new culverts to facilitate pedestrian/vehicular access and diversion of the Glebe Stream on site; and,

(vi) all ancillary works including public realm/footpath improvements, landscaping, boundary treatments, internal footpaths, provision of surface level bicycle parking (56 no. spaces), bin storage, foul and surface water drainage, green roofs, ESB substation and all site services, site infrastructure and associated site development works necessary to facilitate the development. A Natura impact statement has been prepared in respect of the proposed development.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 9th October 2024 take the free trial here.

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Lord Mayor’s Public House


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