For a Large-scale Residential development consisting of the provision of a total of 145no. residential units along with provision of a creche. Particulars of the development comprise as follows
(a) Site excavation works to facilitate the proposed development to include excavation and general site preparation works
(b) The reprofiling of ground levels within the site and associated site works as required
(c) The provision of a total of 91no. residential dwellings which will consist of 25no. 2 bed units, 55no. 3 bed units and 11no. 4 bed units. The dwellings range in height from single storey to two storey
(d) The provision of a total of 54no. duplex apartment units consisting of 15no.1 bed units and 39no. 2bed units. The duplex apartment blocks range in height from two storey to three storey in height
(e) Provision of a 2 storey creche with associated parking, bicycle and bin storage
(f) Provision of associated car parking at surface level via a combination of in-curtilage parking for dwellings and via on-street parking for the creche and duplex apartment units
(g) Provision of electric vehicle charge points with associated site infrastructure ducting to provide charge points for residents throughout the site
(h) Provision of associated bicycle storage facilities at surface level throughout the site and bin storage facilities
(i) Creation of a new access point from the public road with associated works to include for a connections to the existing public footpath along with provision of a pedestrian crossing point with a raised table
(j) The provision of a new shared cycleway and footpath to serve the site.Provision of internal access roads and footpaths and associated works to include for retaining walls and regrading of site levels as required
(k) Provision of residential communal open space areas to include formal play areas along with all hard and soft landscape works with public lighting, planting and boundary treatments to include boundary walls, railings & fencing
(l) Internal site works and attenuation systems which will include for provision of a hydrocarbon and silt interceptor prior to discharge
(m) Installation of culverts and headwalls to facilitate crossing over the existing watercourse aligning the site boundary with associated works
(n) All ancillary site development/construction works to facilitate foul, water and service networks for connection to the existing foul, water and ESB networks. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been prepared and accompany this application.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cavan Granted permission on 23rd April 2024 take the free trial here.

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Mixed Development New Build in Cavan


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