For 180 no. dwellings (152 no. houses, 20 no. duplexes and 8 no. apartments) a creche (261sq.m), 2 no. medical/healthcare units (265sq.m) and offices (921sq.m) along with a wastewater pumping station and all ancillary development and associated site works all on lands measuring 6.6 hectares.
The proposed residential units include:
• 152 no. two and three storey, semi-detached/ terraced houses (85 no. 3-beds – C1, C2, C3 &E- and 67 no. 4-beds – B, B1 & F)
• 20 no. duplex over single units (10 no. 1-bed ground floor units – H1 – with 10 no. 2 bed units over – H2)
• 8 no. apartments (2-bed units – G), above a commercial ground floor, over 2 blocks. The commercial element will be located at the north end of the site and will consist of 3 no. blocks (A, B & C). Blocks A & B are three storeys high and will have commercial uses at ground floor and apartments over (Type G). Block C will be a 4 storey office block.
The ancillary development will consist of including 369 no. car parking spaces (including EV charging spaces and disabled parking spaces), 106 no. cycle parking spaces (including covered spaces), public and communal open spaces, hard and soft landscaping, play area, SuDs features, boundary treatments, waste management areas/bin stores, internal roads, footpaths, cycle lanes and services provision (including pumping station) and all associated site works. The proposed vehicular and pedestrian access will be via 2 no. access points off New Abbey Road, one to the north and one to the east. A pedestrian and cyclist access is proposed to Sunbury Close. The proposed development also involves works on lands owned by Kildare County Council (New Abbey Road, R413) relating to traffic calming (0.33 ha) and new footpath.
The proposed development will involve the demolition of the existing agricultural buildings to the north-west of the site (513.5sq.m). The Planning Application may be inspected online at the following website:
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Applied for on 11th December 2024 take the free trial here.