3 Dec 2024 An Bord Pleanala Refuse Permission
The demolition of an existing house and garage and the erection of a detached building containing 16 units in up to 4 levels of residential accommodation (including floorspace within part of the attic area) providing eight own-door apartments at ground level, each of which would contain two bedrooms and ancillary living kitchen dining storage and bathroom accommodation, four own-door two-storey duplex units on the second and third floors, each of which would contain three-bedrooms along with ancillary living kitchen dining storage and bathroom accommodation and four own-door dwelling units containing three storeys (on the second to fourth floors, including the attic, where they would be served by rooflights), each of which would contain four bedrooms as well as ancillary living kitchen dining storage space and wardrobe bathroom accommodation. The development includes the closure of an existing vehicular access to the site and the creation of a new replacement entrance, alterations to the front boundary wall, the provision of communal open areas for recreational purposes within the site including a children’s playground and the creation of private open spaces in the nature of ground level patios and elevated terraces/balconies, the creation of sixteen car parking spaces off a new driveway along with a turning area, the provision of a refuse storage receptable and a bicycle storage facility. The application also incorporates a pedestrian gate which would connect this proposal with the residential development to its immediate east, along with connections to existing water supply, stormwater and wastewater services, along with all other site works including landscaping.
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