14 Dwellings on a .69 Ha site. Demolition of a habitable house of 204.4sqm (known as The Grove) and the construction of a new residential development consisting 0f 14 detached, semi-detached and terraced houses ranging from 2-3 stories in height, 20 in-curtilage car parking spaces, 2 Sheffield cycle stands, 958sqm of public open space, landscaping and boundary treatments including tree retention, removal and new planting, water and utility services and connections, lighting and all enabling and ancillary development works above and below ground. Vehicular access is proposed from a new entrance onto Mart Lane. Pedestrian and cycling access is also provided from St. Brigids Park. The existing site boundary and pedestrian footpath along St. Brigids Park will be set back by 2m into the site for a distance of 52m to facilitate additional set down facilities along St. Brigids Park to be used in connection with St. Brigids Boys National School.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin take the free trial here.