12 August 2024
Construction of 25 number dwelling houses and all ancillary site development works.

Construction of 25 number dwelling houses and all ancillary site development works.

09 Dec 2021
An Bord Pleanala grants permission for the following development under conditions

Change of use from office use (former offices of the HSE): Marsville House, (a protected structure B19-28) to medical centre. Works to include, construction of a single storey extension of 45 sqm. Conservation repairs to Marsville House consisting of refurbishment and repair and installation of insulation and services and removal of redundant services to the existing buildings to included provision of a new painted timber sash windows to replace PVC; modification of existing door openings, modification of existing external render, removal of existing entrance gates, reinstatement of brick chimney capping and pots to rendered stacks to two storey section, repair of external out house shed. Repair and internal modifications to existing detached stable/ garage building and existing single storey annexe structure including breathable linings and new insulated concrete floors, Repair of existing water pump to rear courtyard. Existing rear courtyard boundary wall to be rebuilt in rendered and capped blockwork along with the installation of stone paving in courtyard to the rear and 14 no. car parking spaces.

The development also includes the construction of 12 no. new two storey 3-bedroom terraced houses, 3 no. single storey 3-bedroom houses, and apartment block comprising 3 no. 1-bedroom apartments and 5 no. 2-bedroom apartments with rooflights, PV panels and 14 no. car parking spaces. The proposed development will be accessed via the location of the existing gateway to Marsville House which is to be widened to 5.8m and the existing entrance piers reinstalled along with the provision for a new adjacent pedestrian access. The development includes new internal access road, new ESB plinth unit sub-station, open space, landscaping, boundary treatments, part alterations to boundary wall with Eurospar and all associated site and development works.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Kildare Started on 12th August 2024 take the free trial here.

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Marsville House


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