Please view site notice for full description: Permission for development to construct a new Licenced Discount Foodstore with ancillary infrastructure and associated site development works (all totalling 2,347.6 sq m Gross Floor Space and ranging in height equivalent from 1 to 2 storeys), at a site of approximately 0.9464 hectares located at Park Road, Townland of Avenue, Killarney, Co. Kerry. The development will consist of: The demolition of an existing substation and switch room building (17.2 sq m Gross Floor Space) The construction of a single level mono-pitched Licenced Discount Foodstore (2,325 sq m Gross Floor Space) with a Net Retail Floor Space of 1,497 sq m to include an ancillary off-licence use and bakery (ranging in height equivalent from 1 to 2 storeys), comprising an entrance pod, public facilities (incl. lobby and toilets), staff facilities (incl. lobby, toilets and shower, change or locker room, canteen, meeting room and operations office), IT room, plant room, delivery area and storage (incl. cold storage and deposit return scheme storage), and external covered entrance and trolley bay area with 8 no. long-term bicycle parking spaces (88 sq m) Rooftop photovoltaic solar panel array (totalling 975 sq m) Corporate signage (2 no. building mounted corporate internally illuminated signs, 3 no. wall mounted externally illuminated poster panel display boards, 1 no. externally illuminated poster display board and 1 no. free standing internally illuminated flagpole sign at primary vehicular and pedestrian entrance) A total of 97 no. surface car parking spaces (6 no. disabled, 6 no. parent and child, 20 no. EV charging, and 65 no. regular) A total of 24 no. bicycle parking spaces (8 no. long-term undercover and 16 no. short-term uncovered) Boundary treatments, hard and soft landscaping, services (incl. site drainage accommodation works and underground surface water attenuation storage), and all other ancillary infrastructure (incl. ESB substation and switch room building of 22.6 sq m Gross Floor Space) and associated site development works above and below ground level. Primary vehicular and pedestrian access to the proposed new Lidl Licensed Discount Foodstore development will be provided via the enhancement of the existing vehicular and pedestrian road link access from Park Road, while maintaining and enhancing the secondary existing vehicular and pedestrian access to residences located.

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Park Road

Plans Refused

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