Permission sought to
(A) Complete 8 no. dwellings (house numbers 17-24 inclusive) currently at various stages of construction (permitted as part of Development granted under Permission ABP.88.221631).
(B) Construct the remaining 18 dwellings (house numbers 1-16 inclusive & No.’s 25 and 26) as previously permitted under Permission ABP.88.221631.
(C) Construct all Estate roads, footpaths, boundary walls, open spaces, public lighting, recycling stand area, underground surface water attenuation tank and all other associated site works including connection to mains sewers and water supply. Previous Planning Permission Ref. No.’s 06/782, ABP.88.221631 and Extension of Durations Ref. No.’s 12/00373 & 17/00536 all refer.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Started on 23rd December 2024 take the free trial here.