The development will consist of:
1. Demolition of existing unfinished terrace block structures on site 2. Construction of a housing development with a total of 19 no. dwellings in semi-detached and terrace configurations, consisting of 6 no. 3-bed terrace houses and 3 no. 2-bed terrace houses, 4 no. 3-bed semi-detached and 6 no. 4-bed semi-detached houses
3. Associated development and works including the extension of existing pedestrian and vehicular access to Lansyn Bohernasup, all hard and soft landscaping, internal roads and footpaths, cycle and car parking, public and private amenities and open spaces, boundary treatments, public lighting, and all other ancillary works above and below ground including connections to water supply, surface water infrastructure, wastewater infrastructure and utilities.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Mayo Applied for on 6th August 2024 take the free trial here.