1. The construction of 364 no. new residential dwellings consisting of 158 no. houses, 82 no. duplex units and 124 no. apartment units set out follows:
– Construction of 158 no. 2-storey houses (54 no. 2-beds, 99 no. 3-beds, 5 no. 4-beds).
– Construction of 82 no. 2 to 3 storey duplex units (8 no. 1-beds, 33 no. 2-beds, 41 no. 3- beds), with balconies on all elevations.
– Construction of 3 no. apartment blocks, ranging from 3 to 6 storeys in height, with balconies on all elevations, green roofs, and external amenity courtyards, providing a total of 124 no. apartment units (48 no. 1-beds, 66 no. 2-beds, 10 no. 3-beds).

2. The scheme provides c. 17% public open space of the net site area comprising 2 no. small parks and 1 no. pocket park which total c. 13,646 sq.m. These parks are located centrally within the site providing a series of north-south linear spaces linking to permitted Ballymastone Phase 1 (FCC Ref. LRD0008/S3 & ABP Ref. 315288) to the south.

3. A total of 278 no. car parking spaces are provided (in-curtilage for the houses and in a mix of both on-street and communal car parking areas for apartment and duplex units). A total of 1,457 no. cycle spaces are provided for residential units (comprising 1,353 long-stay/ resident spaces and 104 no. short-stay/ visitor spaces).

4. The development provides for vehicular access from The Links Road, Donabate Distributor Road (DDR) and permitted Ballymastone Phase 1 (FCC Ref. LRD0008/S3 & ABP Ref. 315288).

5. A north-south pedestrian/ cycle route is proposed within the site connecting permitted Ballymastone Phase 1 (FCC Ref. LRD0008/S3 & ABP Ref. 315288) and future development lands to the north. A series of east-west pedestrian/ cycle routes are proposed connecting the site to permitted Ballymastone Recreational Hub to the east (PARTXI/004/21).

6. Proposed new foul pump station located to the north-east of the site.

7. The proposed application includes all site enabling and site development works, landscaping works, PV panels, bin stores, plant, boundary treatments, ESB Substations, lighting, servicing, signage, surface water attenuation facilities and all site development works above and below ground.

An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement have been prepared in respect of the proposed development.
The application may also be inspected online at the following website set up by the applicant: www.ballymastonelrd2.ie

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