The proposed development will consist of:
1) Demolition of properties at no’s. 47(a and b), and no. 49 Patrick Street and outbuilding to the rear. Construction of new residential apartment blocks in their place
2) Renovation, refurbishment, extension and change of use of existing buildings no’s. 46(a and b), 48(a and b) and 1-6 Rogan’s Court to residential apartments
3) The scheme will provide a total of 4 no. apartment blocks (blocks A-D) ranging in height from 2 to 4 storeys delivering 26 no. units comprising 2 no. studios, 6 no. 1- beds, 16 no. 2-beds (3 & 4 person), and 2 no. 3-beds. All apartments will have private open space either facing north, south, east or west
4) Provision of single storey bicycle storage building (Block E)
5) Continued use of the existing vehicular and pedestrian or cyclist access from Patrick Street between No’s. 46b and 47a to serve the new development
6) Removal of existing vehicular access to No. 49
7) Provision of communal open space, car parking, bin stores, landscaping, boundary treatments, sites services and all associated site development works.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Applied for on 21st November 2024 take the free trial here.