Permission for a mixed use development comprising the construction of a new 27 unit residential development and 3 no. shop units comprising of 7 no. 3 bedroomed two storey terraced dwelling houses, 4 no. two storey 3 bedroomed semi-detached dwelling houses, 1 no. 3 bedroomed detached two storey dwelling house, 1 no. two bedroomed detached age friendly single storey dwelling house, 4 no. two bedroomed semi-detached single storey age friendly dwelling houses, 10 no. two bedroomed terraced single storey age friendly dwelling houses and 3 no. individual shop units with a combined total floor area of 200m2 and all ancillary and associated site development works including site clearance works, new vehicular/pedestrian access to residential units off the R176 Greenore Road and access to the shop units taken off the main access into the Clos Na Manach residential development, car parking spaces, communal open space area, hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatment works. The application includes a Natura Impact Statement
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Applied for on 20th January 2025 take the free trial here.