05 Sept 2024 – An Bord Pleanála has given the go ahead for the development i after the decision by Louth County Council to permit the development was appealed.
Significant Further Information was provided to the local authority on 23 March 2023. Included in the Significant Further Information, was a provision for a reduction in the number of retail units from two to one, and an increase in the number of dwelling units from 28 to 45.

Permission for the demolition of 3 no. habitable dwellings/2 no. with ground floor shop units and existing out buildings, demolition of existing boundary walls to Market House Lane, alteration to existing road entrance to Market House Lane and the construction of 2 no. retail units and 28 no. housing units comprising a mix of apartments, terraced dwellings including:
(i) Block A: 8 no. apartment units (House Type E,F,G,H,I), comprising of two one-bed apartments over 2 no. ground floor retail spaces, 4 no. two-bedroom duplex apartments and 2 no. three-bedroom duplex apartments with own door access;
(ii) Block B: 10 no. terraced houses comprising 5 no. two-bedroom and 5 no. three-bedroom houses (House Type A,B);
(iii) Block C: 4 no. terraced houses comprising 1 no. two-bedroom and 3 no. three-bedroom houses (House Type A,B);
(iv) Block D: 3 no. terraced houses, comprising of 2 no. three-bedroom and 1 no. four-bedroom houses (House Type D,J);
(v) Block E: 3 no. terraced houses, comprising of 3 no. four-bedroom houses (House Type C). The proposed development will also include the provision of surface car parking (28 no. spaces including 2 no. accessible), bicycle parking (44 no. spaces), bin stores, private open space, public open space, foul and surface water drainage, street lighting, boundary treatments and all ancillary site development works necessary to facilitate the development, on a site located within an ACA

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Louth Granted permission on 17th April 2023 take the free trial here.

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Mixed Development New Build in Louth

Market Street And Market House Lane

Plans Granted

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