For the change of use of most of this property (1.141 hectares (2.81 acres) out of a total area of 1.434ha. (3.54 acres) from a tract of private disused and overgrown land to an area of public open space for community outdoor passive and active recreational activity, including the planting of a wildflower area and extensive landscaping, the provision of internal access footpaths within this amenity space, the removal of an existing boundary fence which encircles this site, so as to facilitate public usage, and the installation of children’s play equipment within a freshly grassed area. The proposal also entails the erection of two blocks of apartments which would contain three levels of accommodation and which would provide a total of thirty dwellings fifteen apartments per block, the formation of thirty-seven car parking bays with standalone electric car charging points, eighty-two bicycle spaces, connections to the public water supply system, stormwater network and wastewater network and all site works. The overall number of apartment units proposed is 30.
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