For a mixed-use development of apartments, duplex units and 4 no. retail units on a site of 3090m² or 0.30 hectares. The site is generally greenfield with 2 no. vacantorderelict residential dwellings. The proposed development will provide as follows
(A) Demolition of two existing derelict two storey residential dwellings that front on to Oranmore Mainstreet with a total area of 290m2.
(B) Construction of 4 no. 3 storey blocks denoted A,B,C and D. The blocks contain 16 no. residential units made up of 6 no. apartment units, 10 no. duplex units and 4 no. commercial units, with maximum height of 10.4 metres. The total floor area of apartment and duplex development is 1182.6m2 and the total floor area of commercial development is 298.9 m2. Block A is made up as follows: 6 no. residential dwellings, including 3 no. two bedroom apartments on the ground floor, 3 no. three bedroom duplex units on the first and second floor. The total floor area of apartment and duplex development is 562.8m2. Block B is made up as follows: 6 no. residential dwellings, including 3 no. two bedroom apartment units on the ground floor, 3 no. three bedroom Duplex units on the first and second floor. The total floor area of apartment and duplex development is 562.8m.2 Block C is made up as follows: 2 no. commercial units on the ground floor and 2 no. three bedroom duplex units on the first and second floor. The total floor area of the duplex development is 245.8 m2 and the total floor area of commercial development is 144.2 m2. Block D is made up as follows: 2 no. commercial units on the ground floor and 2 no. three bedroom duplex units on the first and second floor. The total floor area of the duplex development is 245.8 m2 and the total floor area of commercial development is 154.7 m2. Access to be provided from a revised vehicular site entrance from Main Street Oranmore. New Footpath and Cycleways to be provided at the entrance to the site. 16 no. Car parking spaces, 42 no. bicycle parking spaces for residents and provision for 10 no. visitor bicycle parking spaces. All ancillary site development works to include; landscaped public open spaces approximately .15 ha or 48.8% of the overall site area. Private 208.4m²or Communal open space approximately 1300m² .013ha of the overall site area. Internal roads and footpaths, foul and surface water drainage, site lighting, boundary treatments, and refuse storage located to the south of block D = 17.8sqm.

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Mixed Development New Build in Galway

R338 Main Street

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