29 August 2024
Construction of a new mixed-use development at the junction of Northwood Road, Northwood Crescent and Northwood Avenue, Santry, Co. Dublin.
Kategale Limited intend to apply to An Bord Pleanála for permission for a Strategic Housing Development with a total application site area of c. 1.3 ha, on a site located at Northwood Crescent, Santry Demesne, Dublin 9. The site is bounded by Northwood Crescent to the south and south-west; The Crescent Building to the north-west; Northwood Avenue to the north; and Northwood Road to the east. The development, with a total gross floor area of c. 27,904 sqm, will consist of the construction of 268 no. Build-to-Rent apartment units arranged over 2 no. blocks ranging in height from 5 to 11 storeys (Block A will comprise 54 no. 1-bedroom units and 44 no. 2-bedroom units; Block B will comprise 70 no. 1-bedroom units and 100 no. 2-bedroom units); Residential amenity facilities including a reception, post room and building management office; lounge areas, shared workspace, multimedia/games room, meeting rooms and a single storey residents’ gym at podium level (145 sqm); ancillary uses comprising a generator room; utilities room; bin stores; water tank rooms; sprinkler tank room; bicycle stores; storage rooms and plant rooms; the provision of all private and communal open space, including balconies/terraces to be provided for each apartment; and communal open space areas including a first-floor central podium garden connecting Blocks A and B and 2 no. rooftop terraces and a single storey 295 sqm crèche with dedicated outdoor play area.
The development will also comprise the construction of a 3-storey office building with a total gross floor area of c.2,868 sqm, including ancillary uses comprising a reception/security area, staff amenities, bike stores, waste room and a plant room. The development will also include the provision of hard and soft landscaping, public realm improvements and amenity areas including public open space, a children’s play area and a community outdoor dining area; the provision of internal roads and pathways; 142 no. undercroft car parking spaces at ground floor level, 8 no. crèche set down spaces, and 662 no. bicycle parking spaces at ground floor level and surface level. The development will also include all associated ancillary development including 2 no. ESB switch rooms and 2 no. ESB substations; ground works and foul drainage; stormwater drainage; attenuation tank and related SUDS measures, water supply; service ducting and cabling; electric vehicle charging points; public lighting; boundary treatments; and all ancillary site development and excavation works above and below ground. Vehicular access is proposed via a new entrance on Northwood Road; Vehicular set down area for crèche with access/egress is located on Northwood Crescent. The provision of 2 no. pedestrian crossings on Northwood Crescent and Northwood Road.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Started on 29th August 2024 take the free trial here.