Permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development (LRD) at this site at Ringwood, Shean Upper, Blarney, Cork. The proposed development will consist of a largescale residential development (LRD), representing Phase 1 of the development in the Blarney East / Ringwood Expansion Area, and comprising of 246no. residential dwellings as follows
101no. apartments arranged in 4no. part 3-storey, part 4-storey apartment blocks (to include 6no. 1-bed studio units, 35no. 1-bed units and 60no. 2-bed units) 30no. duplex dwellings arranged in 3no. 3-storey buildings (to include 15no. 1-bed dwellings and 15no. 2-bed dwellings) and 115no. 2-storey and 3-storey houses (to include 19no. 2-bed dwellings, 64no. 3-bed dwellings, and 32no. 4-bed dwellings). The proposed development also includes crèche (380.6sqm) with capacity to accommodate 61no. children. The proposed development will include provision for car parking, including EV charging points, bicycle parking, and motorcycle parking bays, and the provision of an area reserved for future resident car parking to the rear of Woodville Terrace on Station Road. The proposed development will also include the provision of private, communal, and public open spaces internal roads and pathways with potential for future links to adjacent lands pedestrian and cyclist routes hard and soft landscaping and boundary treatments waste storage plant signage a new signalised access onto Station Road and road and footpath improvement works on Station Road and the R617 road public lighting 2no. new substations all associated site development works and all drainage and foul sewer infrastructure and network works, including nature-based SuDS measures.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Granted permission on 12th December 2024 take the free trial here.

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