Cairn Homes Properties Limited intends to apply for permission for a Large-Scale Residential Development comprising amendments to a previously permitted Strategic Housing Development (An Bord Pleanála Ref. ABP-313179-22) at an overall site of c. 1.3 ha site located at Northwood Crescent, Santry Demesne, Dublin 9. The site is generally bounded by Northwood Crescent to the south and south-west The Crescent Building to the north-west Northwood Avenue to the north and Northwood Road to the east.
The proposed development consists of internal and external modifications primarily located to the north and north-east corner of the permitted mixed-use scheme (which primarily consists of Build to Rent (BTR) apartment units), granted under An Bord Pleanála Ref. ABP-313179-22, comprising:
• The change of use and alterations to the permitted 3 storey office block to provide 29 No. new apartments (4 No. three bedroom, 12 No. two bedroom and 13 No. one bedroom apartment units), associated balconies terraces and bulk storage areas at ground, first, second and third floors, and including waste management and bicycle storage areas at ground floor level and a residents’ gym flexible use space (c. 90 sq m) at first floor level
• The extension and associated amendments to the fourth floor level of permitted Block B3 to provide 4 No. new apartments (1 No. three bedroom, 2 No. two bedroom and 1 No. one bedroom apartment units), associated balconies and bulk storage areas, including the change in unit types of 2 No. two bedroom BTR units to 2 No. one bedroom BTR units.
• The extension and associated amendments to the fifth floor level of permitted Block B3 to provide 2 No. new apartments (1 No. three bedroom and 1 No. one bedroom apartment units), associated balconies and bulk storage areas, including the change in unit types of 2 No. two bedroom BTR units to 2 No. one bedroom BTR units.
• Minor alterations to the layouts of 2 No. 2 bedroom BTR units within permitted Block B3 at fourth and fifth floor levels, including minor repositioning of corner balconies and windows on the northern elevation.
• Minor alterations to the layouts of 6 No. 2 bedroom BTR units within permitted Block B3 from sixth to eight floor levels, including minor repositioning of corner balconies and windows on the northern elevation.
• All associated amendments arising from the aforementioned mentioned changes, including changes to the material and colour finishes.
As a result of the above, the building height to the north of the site along Northwood Avenue will increase from 3 storeys (c. 14.2m) to 5 to 6 storeys (c. 18.4m and c. 21.5m, respectively), stepping up to the permitted height of Block B3 (c. 30.5m), situated at the corner junction of Northwood Avenue and Northwood Road at 9 storeys.
The proposed development will also include: the provision of an increased landscaped strip to the north of the site, at the interface with Northwood Avenue the provision of a new pedestrian cyclist connection from Northwood Avenue to the north-west of the site alterations to the landscaping proposals within the central podium at first-floor level (resulting from the relocation of the residents’ gym to Block B3) the provision of communal open space and play facilities (c. 268 sq m) at surface level minor alteration and relocation of the ESB substations, switchrooms and generator enclosure at surface level alterations to the car parking area previously allocated to the office use at surface level (undercroft), resulting in 102 No. residential car parking spaces in total (a net reduction of 40 No. car spaces) the provision of long and short term bicycle parking at ground floor level and surface level minor alterations to the vehicular entrance from Northwood Road to the east of the site to accommodate new pedestrian cyclist infrastructure plant EV charging infrastructure hard and soft landscaping boundary treatments pedestrian and cyclist pathways public lighting green roofs and all associated ancillary site development works above and below ground.
The proposed 35 No. new apartment units (15 No. 1 bedroom, 14 No. 2 bedroom and 6 No. 3 bedroom units) will be in addition to the 268 No. BTR units previously permitted under ABP Ref. ABP-313179-22, resulting in 303 No. residential units in total within the scheme (268 No. BTR units + 35 No. new standard apartments).
The proposed amendments also result in an overall revised unit mix comprising 6 No. 3 bedroom, 154 No. 2 bedroom and 143 No. 1 bedroom units, a revised quantum of communal amenity space (c. 2,585 sq m) and a revised quantum of residential amenities and residential support facilities (c. 962 sq m).
The total gross floor area will increase from c. 27,904 sq m to c. c. 28,134 sq m as a result of the proposed amendments.
To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 12th September 2024 take the free trial here.