Permission for the construction of 42 no. residential units at The Former Cope Foundation Residential Facility (formerly known as Honan Home) (Protected Structure RPS reference number PS621), Lovers Walk, Montenotte, Cork consisting of

(1) The demolition of rear and side annexes and the construction of 3 no. rear extensions to the former Honan Home;

(2) The conservation and internal reconfiguration of the former Honan Home to provide 10 no. residential units consisting of 3 no. townhouse units and 7 no. apartments;

(3) The extension and conversion of the existing gate lodge to 1 no. residential unit;

(4) The conservation, alterations and construction of a rear extension to the existing tank house to provide 2 no. semi-detached units;

(5) The construction of 29 no. residential units consisting of 27 no. townhouses and 2 no. duplex/apartment units; and

(6) All associated ancillary development works including footpaths, parking, drainage, bicycle and bin stores and landscaping/amenity areas.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Cork Applied for on 2nd April 2024 take the free trial here.

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The Former Cope Foundation

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