The proposed development will consist of the change of use of lands from former golf course use to residential and other uses consisting of 586 no. residential units and c.1,583 sq.m of other uses comprising of 1 No. retail unit, a childcare facility, a café and 1 No. commercial unit (incorporating a gym and a juice bar). Of these, 234 No. residential units, c.1,071sq.m. of the other uses and associated site landscaping and site development works were previously permitted by An Bord Pleanála under ABP Ref. 311181-21, and they form part of this current application again.
The proposed development will comprise: 76 no. houses consisting of 13 no. 2-bedroom 2-storey terraced houses, 51 no. 3-bedroom 2-storey terraced houses and 12 no. 4- bedroom 3-storey terraced houses 52 No. apartments in duplex units with balconies and
gardens comprising 26 no. 2-bedroom own door ground floor apartments with 26 no. 3-bedroom own door duplex apartments over within 26 no. 3-storey terraced buildings and 458 No. apartments in 4 no. apartment blocks ranging in height from 3 to 12-storeys and
consisting of 239 no 1-bedroom units, 198 no. 2-bedroom units and 21 no. 3-bedroom units. The apartment blocks will comprise of:
• Block A (comprising Blocks A1 and A2) which is proposed as Build to Rent development ranging in height from 4 to 7-storeys and containing 162 no. units consisting of: 79 no. 1-bedroom apartments, 76 no. 2-bedroom apartments and 7 No. 3-bedroom apartments all with balconies or terraces c.545 sq.m. of residential amenity spaces external communal open space on a central podium car and bicycle
parking spaces ancillary plant waste storage and substations/switch rooms at undercroft level.
• Block B (comprising Blocks B1 and B2) ranging in height from 5 to 12-storeys and containing 190 no. units consisting of: 95 no. 1-bedroom apartments, 85 no 2-bedroom apartments and 10 no. 3-bed apartments, all with balconies or terraces c.539sq.m. residential amenity spaces external communal open space on a central podium car and bicycle parking spaces 1 no. commercial unit (incorporating a gym and juice bar) c. 512 sq.m ancillary plant waste storage and substations/switch rooms at undercroft and lower ground levels.
• Block D is a 4-storey building and contains 26 no. units: 20 no. 1-bedroom apartments and 6 no. 2-bedroom apartments with balconies car and bicycle parking spaces, ancillary plant, waste storage and substation/switch rooms at undercroft level.
The proposed development will include:
• 549 no. car parking spaces comprising 478 no. resident spaces, 36 no. residential visitor spaces, 14 No. for retail / commercial uses and 21 No. for staff, set-down, creche set down and car share. 326 no. of these spaces will be at undercroft level with the remaining 223 no. at surface, on street or on curtilage. A total of 23 No. spaces will be accessible parking spaces 66 No. will be EV charging spaces.
• 24 no. resident motorcycle spaces at undercroft level.
• 1,076 no. bicycle parking spaces comprising: 791 no. resident apartment spaces at undercroft level and 254 no. visitor spaces (of which 134 no. at undercroft level and 120 no. at surface level) associated with Blocks A, B, C and D 19 no. spaces associated with non-residential uses and 12 No. spaces at creche (staff and set-down). In addition, bicycle parking for the house and duplex units is provided on curtilage as secure bike stores to the front of the units which will accommodate 2 no. bicycles per unit equating to 256 no. bicycle storage spaces.
The proposed development will also include all associated plant refuse storage areas communal open space public open space playgrounds multi-use games area associated internal roads and drainage arrangements utility connections, pedestrian / cycle linkages with adjoining sites landscaping public lighting construction compounds and all site development works.
An Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement accompany this application.

To find out more details on this Residential Development in Dublin Granted permission on 19th August 2024 take the free trial here.

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Mixed Development New Build in Dublin

Former Bray Golf Club Lands

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