Construction of a new road, the South – North Access Road, approximately 940m in length, from the end of the existing access road serving the Clover Meadows Housing Estate to the end of the existing access road serving the Abbeygate Housing estate/Abbeygate Shopping Centre. This to create a continuous road link between the existing Belmont Road Roundabout on the Belmont Road (R711) to the existing Abbeygate Roundabout on the Abbey Road (LP3412);

Provision of a Traffic Signal controlled crossroads junction on the access road approximately 270m north-east of the existing Abbeygate Roundabout on the Abbey Road (LP3412);

Provision of a Traffic Signal controlled cross roads junction on the access road approximately 430m south-east of the Belmont Roundabout on the Belmont Road (R711);

Provision of a new road overbridge over the existing Greenway;

Minor upgrades to the existing Clover Meadows and Abbeygate access roads being tied into to provide improved pedestrian and cycle facilities and provide additional fencing where required.
Provision of cyclist and pedestrian facilities along the new access road;

Provision for future bus-stops to both sides of the new road;

Provision of a new carpark for the Greenway accommodating c.172 no. parking spaces and 2 no. coach parking spaces along with toilets (with water supply and waste water treatment), bicycle parking, accessible car parking spaces (10No.) and car parking spaces of which 20% are provided for e-cars with associated charging facilities;

Provision of a link from the South-North Access Road footpath to the existing Greenway via a ramped shared surface (pedestrians and cyclists) with stepped access also provided;

Public lighting along the full length of the South – North Access Road and to the Greenway carpark;
The installation of road markings and signage throughout;

Provision of a surface water drainage system to include Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), attenuation storage both above and below ground and flow restrictors to maintain discharge of surface water to greenfield runoff rates. This also includes an outfall along the adjacent Greenway;
Hard and soft landscaping including boundary treatments throughout.

To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Kilkenny Applied for on 13th September 2024 take the free trial here.

South – North Access Road

Plans Applied

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