The provision of an Aircraft Observation Facility on Old Airport Road (Collinstown Lane), at the site of the existing informal ‘airport viewing point’, to include the following:

1. an elevated viewing platform with sheltered viewing structure, seating and tables;
2. improved parking facilities with 22 no. car parking spaces, of which 2 will be provided for Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM) and 2 dedicated family parking spaces;
3. 5 no. bicycle stands (providing 10 no. bicycle parking spaces)
4. a diverge lane for safe vehicle access from Old Airport Road
5. an electrical enclosure with solar PV Panels
6. surface water drainage works incorporating attenuation;
7. lighting, signage and all other associated site development works, including hard and soft landscaping.

To find out more details on this Transport Development in Dublin Applied for on 7th June 2024 take the free trial here.

Airport Viewing Point

Plans Applied

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