22 Nov 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant Permissions with Conditions


i. The construction of 26 No. wind turbines and all associated hard-standing areas with the following parameters:
a. A total blade tip height of 200m,
b. Hub height of 115 metres, and
c. Rotor diameter of 170 metres.

ii. 2 No. permanent Meteorological Anemometry Masts with a height of 115 metres and associated hardstanding area and removal of existing
meteorological mast.

iii. 4 No. temporary construction compounds with temporary site offices and staff facilities, in the townlands of Bracklin and Grange More.

iv. 5 No. temporary security cabins at the main construction site entrances and access points around the site, in the townlands of Killagh, Grange More and Coolronan.

v. 2 No. borrow pits located in the townland of Grange More and Craddanstown and all works associated with the opening, gravel and spoil extraction, and decommissioning of the borrow pits.

vi. 1 No. permanent 110 kV electrical substation, which will be constructed in the townland of Grange More. The electrical substation will have 2 No. single storey control buildings, a 36 metre high telecom tower, associated electrical plant and equipment, a groundwater well and a wastewater holding tank.

vii. All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the turbines and masts to the proposed electrical substation, including road crossings at R156 and a local road between
Lisclogher and Bracklin Bogs, and all works associated with the connection of the proposed wind farm to the national electricity grid, which will comprise connecting into the existing Mullingar – Corduff 110 kV overhead line that traverses the site.

viii. Provision of new internal site access tracks with passing bays measuring a total length of c. 28km and provision/upgrade of existing/new pathways for amenity uses measuring a total length of c. 3.3km and associated drainage.

ix. Temporary accommodating works to existing public road infrastructure to facilitate delivery of abnormal loads at locations on the R156 and R161 in the townlands of Doolystown and Moyfeagher.

x. Accommodating works to widen existing site entrances off the R156 into Ballivor and Carranstown Bogs and reopen entrances at Lisclogher and Bracklin Bogs for use as construction site entrances and to facilitate delivery and movement of turbine components and construction materials; Entrances will be used for maintenance and amenity access
during the operational period.

xi. Permanent vertical realignment of the R156 in the vicinity of the site entrance to achieve required sight lines.

xii. Construction of permanent site entrances off a local road into Lisclogher and Bracklin Bogs to facilitate a crossing point for turbine components, construction materials and operation/amenity access.

xiii. Provision of amenity access and amenity pathways using existing entrances off the R156 and local roads in the townlands of Bracklin, Coolronan, Clondalee More and Craddanstown.

xiv. 3 No. permanent amenity carparks in Ballivor Bog (50 no. car parking spaces), Carranstown (15 no. car parking spaces) and Bracklin Bog (15 no. car parking spaces) and the provision of bicycle rack facilities at each location.

xv. All associated site works and ancillary development including access roads, drainage and signage.

xvi. A 10-year planning permission and 30-year operational life of the wind farm from the date of commissioning of the entire wind farm.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Meath Granted permission on 22nd November 2024 take the free trial here.

Ballivor Bog Group

Plans Granted

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