
The proposed development for which permission under Section 37E is being sought will include the following:

• 12 No. Wind Turbines (blade tip height up to 158m). Eleven of the turbines will have a hub height of 90m and a blade length of 68m and one turbine (T10) will have a hub height of 82m and a blade length of 68m.

• 12 No. Wind Turbine foundations and hardstand areas.

• 1 No. Permanent Meteorological Mast (90m height) and foundation and associated hardstand areas.

• 1 No. Electrical Substation (110kV) including associated ancillary buildings, security fencing and all associated works.

• 2 No. Developed Site Entrances, one temporary entrance to facilitate construction traffic and one permanent entrance.

• New and upgraded internal site access tracks.

• Provision of an on-site Visitor cabin and parking.

• All associated underground electrical and communications cabling connecting the proposed turbines to the proposed onsite substation.

• Laying of approximately 1.5km of underground electricity cabling to facilitate the connection to the national grid from the proposed onsite substation to connect to an existing 110kV overhead line.

• Temporary works on sections of the public road network along the turbine delivery route (including hedge or tree cutting, relocation of
powerlines/poles, lampposts, signage, and local road widening).

• 1 No. Temporary construction site compound and additional mobile welfare unit.

• 1 No. Borrow pit to be used as a source of stone material during construction.

• 3 No. spoil deposition areas (one at borrow pit location).

• Associated surface water management systems.

• Tree felling for wind farm infrastructure.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Clare Applied for on 26th January 2024 take the free trial here.

townlands of Cappateemore East, Ballycannan West, Ballycannan East, Ballycar South, Ballycar North,

Plans Applied

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