Amendment of previous permission Reg. Ref: 17/5370 and ABP- 300434-17, which includes a enlarged site boundary, for alterations to an permitted solar farm to provide an additional area of 7.8ha to the south comprising photovoltaic panels on ground mounted frames, MV/inverter stations, fencing, access tracks, CCTV cameras, a weather station, landscaping and all associated ancillary development works. The development also includes a 2.25km cable route to the south to provide a link to a future substation and all associated ancillary development works. The application also seeks to amend Condition 3 of permission granted under Reg. Ref:17/5370 and ABP Ref: ABP-300434-17 to increase the lifespan of the permitted solar farm from 25 to 35 years.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Cork Granted permission on 6th March 2024 take the free trial here.

Ballyvatta, Clash, Meeleen, Aghaduff, Knockraha East And Ballynanelagh (townlands)

Plans Granted

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