A 10 year planning permission on lands including Straboe and Killerig, Carlow, Co. Carlow. The development will consist of permission for a Solar PV Energy Development with associated Battery Energy Storage System Compound with a total site area of c. 132.28ha, to include solar panels mounted on steel support structures, associated cabling and ducting, inverters, transformers, switchgear substations, auxiliary transformer, permanent storage containers, monitoring houses, composting toilet, BESS customer substation, battery blocks, BESS inverters and PCS (twin skid), BESS interface cabinets (BIC), backup generator, temporary construction compounds, tracks, boundary security fencing and security gates, CCTV, landscaping and ancillary works, with a 40year operational period. It is proposed that the Proposed Development will be accessed from four separate access points which will include
(i) A new access created off the R726
(ii) A new entrance off Straboe Lane
(iii) A widened and improved existing entrance off Straboe lane; and (iv) Use of an existing and previously consented entrance off the R418. A Natura Impact Statement (NIS) has been submitted to the Planning Authority with the Application.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Carlow Applied for on 11th July 2024 take the free trial here.

Lands Including Straboe and

Plans Applied

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