The development will consist of: realignment of northern and western sections of beaumont hospital campus access road and provision of pedestrian, cycle and vehicular tie-ins to/from new road alignment. alterations to and removal of existing car parking spaces/areas to accommodate realigned road. provision of bus connects bus terminus comprising 6 no. bus stops and all associated works to include canopies and seating etc. provision of 2-way cycle lane adjoining the internal access road between the beaumont road junction and the trim road junction. alterations to existing multi-storey car park entrance comprising provision of dual access lane, and alterations to existing traffic island and bollards. alterations to beaumont road junction comprising the provision of toucan crossings and to facilitate tie in with the new cycle lane on beaumont road. provision of crossing points, landscaping, drainage, public lighting, boundary treatments and signage in respect of the internal access road.

To find out more details on this Carpark Development in Dublin Granted permission on 27th September 2024 take the free trial here.

Beaumont Hospital

Plans Granted

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