12 Sep 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant Permissions with Conditions


The proposed development will consist of the
provision of the following:

I. 9 no. wind turbines with an overall turbine tip height of 185 metres; a rotor blade diameter of 163 metres; and hub height of
103.5 metres, and associated foundations and hard-standing areas;

II. A thirty-year operational life of the wind farm from the date of full commissioning of the wind farm and subsequent decommissioning;

III. Underground electrical cabling (33kV) and communications cabling;

IV. A temporary construction compound;

V. A temporary security cabin;

VI. A meteorological mast with a height of 30 metres and associated foundation and hard-standing area;

VII. A new gated site entrance on the L3248;

VIII. Junction accommodation works and a new temporary access road off the L3248, to facilitate turbine delivery to the site;

IX. Upgrade of existing site tracks/ roads and provision of new site access roads, junctions and hardstand areas.

X. Upgrade of the existing L7039/ L70391 junction for secondary site access off the L70391;

XI. A borrow pit;

XII. Spoil Management;

XIII. Tree felling;

XIV. Site Drainage;

XV. Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (including restoration of a segment of the Eastwood River, and planting of natural woodland and hedgerow);

XVI. Operational Stage site signage; and

XVII. All ancillary works and apparatus.

A ten-year planning permission is sought.

To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 12th September 2024 take the free trial here.

Borrisbeg and adjacent townlands

Plans Granted

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