12 Sep 2024 An Bord Pleanala Grant Permissions with Conditions
The proposed development will consist of the
provision of the following:
I. 9 no. wind turbines with an overall turbine tip height of 185 metres; a rotor blade diameter of 163 metres; and hub height of
103.5 metres, and associated foundations and hard-standing areas;
II. A thirty-year operational life of the wind farm from the date of full commissioning of the wind farm and subsequent decommissioning;
III. Underground electrical cabling (33kV) and communications cabling;
IV. A temporary construction compound;
V. A temporary security cabin;
VI. A meteorological mast with a height of 30 metres and associated foundation and hard-standing area;
VII. A new gated site entrance on the L3248;
VIII. Junction accommodation works and a new temporary access road off the L3248, to facilitate turbine delivery to the site;
IX. Upgrade of existing site tracks/ roads and provision of new site access roads, junctions and hardstand areas.
X. Upgrade of the existing L7039/ L70391 junction for secondary site access off the L70391;
XI. A borrow pit;
XII. Spoil Management;
XIII. Tree felling;
XIV. Site Drainage;
XV. Biodiversity Enhancement Plan (including restoration of a segment of the Eastwood River, and planting of natural woodland and hedgerow);
XVI. Operational Stage site signage; and
XVII. All ancillary works and apparatus.
A ten-year planning permission is sought.
To find out more details on this Power Generation Development in Tipperary Granted permission on 12th September 2024 take the free trial here.