PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT: The construction of a new greenway (shared
footpath and cyclepath) approximately 6km in length, between Malahide Demesne and Newbridge Demesne, in the townlands of Malahide Demesne, Malahide, Kilcrea, Newbridge Demesne and Donabate, Fingal, County Dublin, to be known as the Broadmeadow Way.

The proposed development comprises of the following:

• Use of circa 900 metres of existing pathways within Malahide Demesne,
extending from the main car park located southeast of Malahide Castle to the Hogan’s Gate entrance on the R106, Dublin Road, including new route signage and bicycle parking facilities.

• Approximately 140 metres of new footpath construction at Bridgefield car park and new ramp/access upgrade works at the existing pedestrian entrance leading to the R106 Dublin Road.

• Reconfiguration of circa 220 metres of the R106 Dublin Road between
Bridgefield car park and O’Hanlon’s Lane to facilitate the provision a new off-road shared pedestrian and cyclist facility along the northern side of the road, and a new signal-controlled crossing.

• Approximately 135 metres of road resurfacing, 230m of shared surface road markings, signage and boundary hedge trimming along O’Hanlon’s Lane.

• The reconfiguration of the junction of Bissets Strand and O’Hanlon’s Lane.

• Two signal-controlled crossings and new traffic signals at the railway bridge on Bissets Strand.

• The construction of approximately 260 metres of off-road shared pedestrian and cyclist facilities and associated landscaping and ancillary works on Bissets Strand.

• Works to facilitate a new greenway some 615 metres in length along the existing weir maintenance access track on the western embankment of the Dublin-Belfast railway causeway, extending north from Bissets Strand into Malahide Estuary, to include new surfacing, fencing, boundary walls, local stone fill, route lighting and signage, and a viewing area.

• Provision of a new 12-span pedestrian / cycleway bridge deck of
approximately 180 metres in length on the existing piers located alongside the Dublin-Belfast railway bridge situated on the weir in Malahide Estuary.

• Works to facilitate a new greenway of approximately 1,000 metres in length along the shoulder of the western embankment of the Dublin-Belfast railway causeway, from the railway bridge on the weir in Malahide Estuary extending as far as the northern shoreline of Malahide Estuary at Kilcrea, to include new surfacing, fencing, boundary walls, local stone fill, route lighting and signage.

• Provision of circa 910 metres of new greenway along the western side of the Dublin-Belfast railway through agricultural lands in Kilcrea on the north side of the estuary, between the northern shore of Malahide Estuary and the L-6165-0 Coast Road/Corballis Road, with works to include new surfacing, fencing, route lighting and signage, and a new three span bridge over the Pill River of 50 metres in length constructed in timber and concrete.

• Provision of circa 230 metres of new greenway along the southern side of the L-6165-0 Coast Road/Corballis Road, Kilcrea to include to include surfacing, fencing, route lighting and signage.

• Upgrading and re-alignment along circa 450 metres of the L-6165-0 Coast Road/Corballis Road adjacent to the Dublin-Belfast railway bridge, including the installation of signal-controlled pedestrian and cyclist crossing points.

• Provision of circa 370 metres of new greenway, including a single span (12 metres) bridge crossing, constructed in concrete and timber, of the Pill River through agricultural lands in Kilcrea and along the southern bank of the Pill River.

• Crossing of the newly constructed Donabate Distributor Road and the
pedestrian lights for same.

• Resurfacing works along circa 140 metres of the existing L-6135-0 Kilcrea Road north to the R126 Hearse Road.

• Reconfiguration of the junction of the L-6135-0 Kilcrea Lane and the R126 Hearse Road to facilitate pedestrian and cyclist access to Newbridge Demesne.

• Use of approximately circa 900 metres of existing pathways including new route signage and bicycle parking at Newbridge Demesne.

• Ancillary works along the route including drainage works, provision of fencing, boundary treatments, agricultural accesses, noise barrier (close to the Donabate Distributor Road), public lighting, landscaping and other minor works.

To find out more details on this Road & Path Development in Dublin Started on 5th June 2024 take the free trial here.

Malahide Demesne, Kilcrea


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