08 Apr 2024
Construction of new Sub Station ancillary to new Castlemanor Care Home, Naul.
The proposed development will comprise:
(i) The addition of external cladding, windows and doors, and other finishes to nursing home approved under Reg. Ref. F17A/0762 and as amended by Reg. Ref. F20A/0168;
(ii) internal fitout of building;
(iii) The provision of a temporary on site foul treatment plant discharging to public sewer to serve the nursing home;
(iv) relocation of permitted car parking from north of site to now be provided to the south east of the site (an extension to the permitted car parking area to the east of nursing home) to now provide for a total of 32 no. car parking spaces inclusive of 2 no. accessible spaces and 2 no drop off/ services bays which are located to north of nursing home,
(v) provision of 1 no. ESB substation, 1 no. ASHP compound and 1 no. 12 bay cycle shelter to the north east of the site, and
(vi) 1 no. refuse store to the north west of the site. The development includes SuDs drainage, landscaping, boundary treatments and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development;
(vii) Retention permission is sought for the relocation of the permitted detention feature (feature pond) from the south east of the site to now be located to the north of the site, and minor alterations to windows and doors.
To find out more details on this Carpark Development in Dublin Started on 8th April 2024 take the free trial here.