To carry out the following development: Car Park & associated works at Waterpark Campus, Drumbiggle Road, Ennis, Co Clare
1) Provision of 70 public car parking spaces, 8 Universal Parking Spaces, 6 EV Charging Points, 53 parking spaces for the Waterpark Campus and cycling stands. Public lighting ducting, storm water system including attenuation & hydrocarbon interceptor and infrastructure for the EV Charging including ESB Substation.
2) The car parking is being provided on part of the open space area to the side and front of Waterpark House.
3) The provision of cycle stands on existing car parking spaces to the side and within the curtilage of the Buttermarket Building, is also proposed. The Buttermarket Building is a protected structure (RPS no. 837). In accordance with the Habitats Directive, an Appropriate Assessment (AA) Screening has been carried out on the project. An Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Determination has been made and concludes that there is no real likelihood of significant effects on the environment arising from the proposed development

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