Permanent continuation of use of the existing long term car park known as Quickpark that is currently used for the same purpose under and in accordance with temporary planning permission ABP 06F.PA0023. Planning permission is also sought for the construction of a new entrance building with associated revised entrance layout resulting in 6,122 long term car parking spaces (reduced from the permitted 6,240 spaces to accommodate a new entrance building). The proposed development of 6,122 long term car parking spaces is provided for under condition no. 23 of the Terminal 2 planning permission Ref. Reg. PL06F.220670 (F06A/1248). The proposed development includes the demolition of the existing single storey office and control building; demolition of existing canopy entrance structure, the relocation of existing maintenance shed and the construction of new part three storey entrance building comprising office space with new car park barriers and ticket machines together with premium car parking offer, elevational signage, green roof, landscaping and associated revisions to the entrance layout to accommodate the new building. Permission is also sought for the continued use of existing ancillary infrastructure and facilities including : existing internal circulation road; hard-standing; lighting; boundary fencing; bus shelters; CCTV cameras; signage; existing drainage network including existing surface water attenuation areas, foul water connection, water supply, associated landscaping and all ancillary works necessary to facilitate the development erected under and in accordance with ABP Ref. 06F.PA0023 and Reg. Refs. F99A/0376/PL06F.112955, F02A/1110, F05A/1464 and F06A/1746. The development also includes new ancillary infrastructure and facilities/drainage improvement works including additional filter drains at the new building and swales along new entrance layout. Access to the car park is from the previously permitted signal-controlled junction on the Swords Road (Old Airport Road) with turning lanes and directional signs. Planning permission is also sought to retain existing hard standing surface area associated with the premium valet offer of the car park. This application is accompanied by an Environmental Impact Assessment Report and a Natura Impact Statement.

To find out more details on this Carpark Development in Dublin Applied for on 14th June 2024 take the free trial here.

Quickpark Car Park

Plans Applied

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