The proposed development will consist of:
1) the demolition of existing cattle pen and hard standing area (total 911m2) and the removal of 1 no. existing gated site entrance from the South Parallel Road (R108), and the construction of a westwards extension to the existing Holiday Blue Long-Term Car Park to provide an extended surface car park which will comprise 950 no. airport staff car parking spaces, of which 48 no. will be provided for Persons with Reduced Mobility (PRM) and 96 no. will be serviced by Electric Vehicle (EV) charging points, to be accessed off the South Parallel Road (R108) via an upgraded existing former temporary construction access/egress, with an emergency access also to be provided through the existing Holiday Blue Long-Term Car Park immediately east of the proposed development site via a tie in, with security barriers, to the existing internal roundabout;
2) 30 no. bicycle spaces;
3) 1 no. new bus shelter;
4) new internal road layout, with set down areas for buses and footpaths, incorporating 2 no. existing culverts (one of which is to be extended) and 1no. new culvert over the Santry River;
5) proposed riparian corridor either side of the Santry River;
6) 1 no. single-storey substation;
7) 1 no. new single storey welfare building;
8) 1 no. new single-storey security hut with security barriers;
9) new foul and surface water drainage system works incorporating attenuation;
10) the erection of CCTV equipment, security fencing, electrical enclosure, lighting, signage, and boundary fencing; and
11) all other associated site development works, including temporary construction compound, and all hard and soft landscaping. An Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIAR) and Natura Impact Statement (NIS) have been prepared in respect of the proposed development and will be submitted to the planning authority with the application.
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