Kildare County Council (KCC) Parks Department intend to construct a new playground and redesign of the car parking adjacent to the playground at Leixlip Amenity Centre Lands, Station Road, Leixlip, Co Kildare. The works include the removal of the existing car park and adjacent paving and grassed areas and the provision of a new car park and playground area. The playground equipment installation will be carried out under a separate contract. Bicycle and pedestrian access will be provided to the R148 and there will be a requirement for traffic management while this work is being carried out. A new 225mm diameter surface water pipe will be installed to connect the new swale to the existing Kildare County Council manhole. A vehicular gate will be provided to the R148. There will be a requirement for a high degree of co-ordination between the current tenants to ensure they have access to the tennis and athletics clubs. This will mean the provision of pedestrian and ambulance access must be always maintained. The site must be inspected by the Tenderer and any constraints adequately addressed and accounted for in the price.

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Leixlip Amenities Centre


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